Meaning am I a pretty girl? I’ve struggled a lot finding beauty within the things the world frames as unattractive. I hope this shoot means something to you because it means everything to me. I wanted to capture unconventional beauty in myself and try to find the art in my body along the crevices and rolls and skin marks, etc. I’m working on being less hard on myself because at the end of the day I’m the one who will wake up the next morning and decide what kind of day I’ll have. So, why treat myself so poorly when I’am capable of so much!

Am I a đẹp gái?

After escaping a path that wasn’t meant for me, I gained a tremendous amount of weight over the past two years. I keep telling myself i was unhealthy and that where I’m at right now is the best version I can be of myself, I’m physically there so why can’t I be mentally there also? The world made it so hard. I started hating every inch of myself, I started hating every little ounce of myself, anything I can see of me, deserves no love. After crossing two different lifestyles, (America & Vietnam) both beauty standards are set ridiculously high, I was suffocating and wounded, but staring at wounds and pain doesn’t make it go away. What makes it go away was surrounding myself with the love from others I never gave myself. I’m overflowing with so much love and affection that’s coming from so many directions at some point I started rejecting it, denying it, why are others being so nice to me? I don’t fit the part, I don’t look the part, but..what is the part? The part I believed in was a nonexistent idea in my head. I deserve it! I deserve all the love in the world! When I started to accept the care and love from others, I started giving it right back and making others feel just as good as they did for me. Love is a constant moving cycle that moves from heart to heart, changing lives and putting smiles on beautiful faces. Spread love and joy, your body, soul, and mind will thank you.

Photographed by Tatia Marie Photography.